History of rock music has a different origin. In the early 1950s the debate about the roots of rock and roll music is. Rock music basically dieksplor and developed by many people and yet the roots of rock music's most powerful is the blues and rhythm. Rhythm and blues and memproduski a song that some people claimed to be the song the first rock and roll entitled 'Rocket '88' by Jackie Brenston.
Over time, black music is considered a musical 'race' began preferred. White listeners also listen to the songs R & B and buy rekamanan 'race' is. The entry of black music to the ears of mainstream audiences popularize Motown, a special label for black music that became the biggest part of the 1960s pop music. However, many white listeners only listen to black music when the songs are sung by the singer re white.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s a young audience listening kebanayakn mixture of rock and roll, pop and R & B. Rock however is still seen as a kind of music himself until the late 1960s with the Motown, the Beatles, Rolling Stones and the flow of hard rock like Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix.
by: http://www.lalightsindiefest.com
Rock and roll (often written as a rock 'n' roll) is a music genre that developed in the United States in the late 1940s, and reached peak popularity in the early 1950s. From the United States, this music genre spread throughout the world. Rock and roll gave birth to a variety of whole subgenre of music known as rock.
Characteristic of rock and roll is the beat (beat) is usually combined with the lyrics. Rock and roll with the beat rhythm based one called the blues boogie woogie backbeat plus accent that is almost always optional snare drum blows. Classical versions of rock and roll played with one or two electric guitars, electric bass guitar, and drum set. Most played keyboard device as an additional instrument. When played with two electric guitars, electric guitar played to give the lead guitar melody is called, while the guitar to give rhythm and harmony is called rhythm guitar. Saxophone melody often used as instruments in rock and roll style of the early 1950s, but its role was replaced by electric guitars in the mid-1950s. In the late 1940s, early forms of rock and roll even used the piano as an instrument of melody. One of the forerunners of rock and roll is the boogie woogie music on the piano as a melody, like a game of musical groups that dominate the big-band American music world in 1940's decade. The popularity of rock and roll in bulk and global social impact was unexpected. Rock and roll is not only influenced musical styles, but at the same lifestyle, style of dress, and language. In addition to success in the world of music, the stars in early rock and roll is also successful in the world of films and television. Elvis Presley, for example a rock and roll that success as a movie star and television.
Slang term "rock and roll" is often used black people to call "sexual relations". Female singer Trixie Smith first used the term "rock and roll" in the song "My Baby Rocks Me With One Steady Roll" which was released in 1922
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