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Jumat, 16 April 2010

How to increase traffic

How to increase traffic is indeed a problem. Taking things easy is difficult for us, but easy to bother others. Visit a keyword, that's why traffic is so important to our blogs and websites. Thousands and even millions of websites and blogs so our competition every second, minute and day, mainly for the newcomer. Especially if your site or blog become business city, Get ready berjibaku. Content and design a charm.

Like writing to newspapers, writing a proper fit is not in vain. Not all papers published during the tastes and do not meet the criteria of the media, especially on a blog or a site that devotees are increasingly high. The main requirement or how to increase traffic, among others.

1. Content (content) has a sale value

Sale value is not arbitrary, but the contents are contained, the content takes a lot of people. Blogs or sites have gugah power and incredible charm. In our tradition this is not unusual. But in the climatic struggle of ideas out there so needs. Look at sites that peddled papers, need quality writers.

2. Strange Content

The content is also so strange reference material was so impressed that something unusual. "Pigs Ngepet wandering", if not amazement, people baffled. "Dogs come after us" not a story, but "We're chasing the dog" must be a story. "Male Monogamy" may be unusual, but "Female polyandry" may be extraordinary.

3. Content is nyeleneh (sensational)

Celebrity news more interesting than the inaugural academic. Strange indeed in ours. Content is strange is the provocative content, may violate moral boundaries, may be excessive and hyperbolic sesutau. "Hah, elope?", "Cook's affair?"

4. Sell a free Information (Free)

Something free (free of charge), must be hunted people. Interneter sought generally "Free Download", "Free e-book", etc..

5. Jajakan Business Opportunities

Affairs stomach much awaited. In addition to job sites, dating, business opportunities will be quickly addressed because the basic needs of man as homo economicus.

6. Conscience believe, Believe The Divine

I do not intend to put our Creator as the final numbers. During the maximal effort, as long as we are turning to that request inappropriate.

This paper is made on personal experience and other references. Hopefully, through increased or increasing traffic on the benefit.

source : http://id.shvoong.com

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